St. Modwen has just submitted an application to Vale of White Horse District Council for ‘up to 669 residential units and Neighbourhood Centre (Use Class E and Sui Generis) with associated infrastructure and open space.’ This covers the area circled in red in the above map.
This is for the new Kingsgrove neighbourhood in Wantage, which has in principle, or ‘outline’ consent for 1,500 homes, a primary school, a neighbourhood centre and associated infrastructure and open space.
Kingsgrove is already a thriving neighbourhood, with hundreds of homes occupied and the primary school, a playground, the public square and a woodland walk all up and running. Up to 865 homes already have or have applied for detailed or ‘reserved matters’ consent.
This new application is asking for outline consent for the remaining residential areas as well as part of the neighbourhood centre. It includes the 635 residential units which have not yet had their reserved matters submitted under the current outline, plus an extra 34 homes. If the application is granted then the total number of homes that could be delivered at Kingsgrove would be 1,534.
These extra homes make very little difference to the original parameter plans. They are entirely within previously agreed development areas and would not mean any green or open space is lost, nor would it affect any infrastructure such as the neighbourhood centre.
St. Modwen is also working on the detailed applications for the Central Park, community building and retail and nursery and they will be submitted shortly under the current outline consent.
For more details on the application, please visit the Vale of White Horse District Council website here: and use the reference P23/V0134/O.