Students and residents of Kingsgrove took part in two events marking the end of summer by planting spring-flowering bulbs in October.
The event was a true partnership venture. Organised by Sophie Milton, the Community Development Officer at Vale of White Horse District Council, the planting was led by planting expert Tom Page from Wild Wantage, with the bulbs funded by St. Modwen and sourced by resident management company Preim.
The first event saw 15 residents taking part and was described by families as “a lovely morning”, and a “positive event which increased our sense of belonging in the community.” Another family was inspired to buy bulbs to plant in their own garden, and everyone was rewarded with cake at the end of the morning.
Pupils at Wantage Primary Academy took part in a separate session, with 34 reception students and 30 parents turning up to help boost the local green areas.
Tom from Wild Wantage taught the children that it was more than just a fun activity, saying:
“Planting Spring flowering bulbs is a fantastic way to help look after our local wildlife. They not only provide a burst of colour to cheer us up on those cold Spring days but also are a vital source of nectar and energy for the early emerging pollinators. A bumblebee circling amongst the daffodils, crocuses and snowdrops is always a happy sign that warmer days will soon be here.”
Organiser Sophie Milton reflected after the event:
“You never know who’s going to turn up but we were thrilled to have a number of families come along, some who knew each other and some who didn’t. It’s always nice to see people meeting new neighbours, that’s what these types of events are all about. I am looking forward to spring and seeing the results of the team effort.”
The events were a huge success and mark the start of a new calendar of green events to celebrate the new community at Kingsgrove.