Over the last year, St. Modwen has been on the lookout for an artist to bring public art into the neighbourhood centre at Kingsgrove.
At the beginning of March, the Kingsrove Art Commission steering group chose Kerry Lemon, experienced public artist, museum lover, botanicals enthusiast and teacher, to help them achieve this vision.
Kerry has been commissioned to create a series of permanent sculptural works inspired by the heritage of Kingsgrove, that aid in wayfinding and help make the public square and park a place to enjoy.
“I want to create encounters with art which surprise and delight, so will make this work interactive to encourage play, learning and exploration.”
Kerry will be engaging with local groups to ensure that the people that live in Kingsgrove have the opportunity to shape the art they will see every day.
Keep an eye out on kingsgrovewantage.co.uk and follow us on Twitter @KingsgroveStMod to make sure you’re up to date on the latest news on Kerry’s commission.
To take a look at Kerry’s work, visit: kerrylemon.co.uk or check out her Instagram page @KerryLemonArt